Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hamas Children: Terrorists in the Making

Here's some video you won't see in the mainstream media.

Can anyone tell me how Hamas gets away with this? Also, how does Hamas earn the world's sympathy for the so-called disproportionate response of the Israelis in Gaza?

Folks, terrorism goes way beyond the attacks of September 11th. The Israelis have been living with terrorism for years. It's a war that will not end anytime soon given the footage in this video. Can you image a radical fundamentalist Christian group training their kids to kill all abortionists, homosexuals and non-believers and video taping it? That would make it on the 6:30 evening news of every channel and be denounced by all. And rightly so! Yet, this video doesn't even get a mention.

It's about time more Americans start paying attention to what is going on in this world and understand that we are in a global life and death struggle. This war will not be easy and will not be short. We need to have the intestinal fortitude to fight Hamas, Al-Qaida and all other terrorist groups if we truly want to preserve peace in this world.

1 comment:

Christina G. said...

" does Hamas earn the world's sympathy for the so-called disproportionate response of the Israelis in Gaza?"

Thank you! I always wonder, what am I missing, how come nobody sees these things? Thank you! I will admit I'm not current on all the background in this situation, but I thought I had the general idea...

Also, "This war will not be easy and will not be short. We need to have the intestinal fortitude to fight Hamas, Al-Qaida and all other terrorist groups..."

Immediately following 9/11, then Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu (sp?) said, during a broadcasted interview or press conference, that terrorism WILL diminish & eventually disappear, IF this country has the will (fortitude?) to not stop fighting it. He was so adamant, so clear. For some reason, I have never forgotten that moment, I can still see him speaking.