Monday, January 19, 2009

Fly Your Flag on Inauguration Day – January 20, 2009

Every four years a president is inaugurated in the United States. Inauguration Day is a historical moment as only 43 presidents have been inaugurated since the inception of our country. Tuesday, January 20, 2009, will be even more historical as the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court will be swearing in our first African American president, Barack Obama. A feat once unthinkable a mere 40 years ago, Barack Obama has the opportunity to heal the country's racial divide, a divide that is not as wide as it once was but still exists. Let us all wish him well as he embarks on a journey that can be described as one of the toughest that anyone could possibly face.

Inaugurating a president reminds us all that he (and someday she) has been given the privilege and power to lead our great country, one that should not be taken lightly. Fly your flag on Inauguration Day to honor the systems, checks and balances our forefathers created to protect our democracy, ensure our freedoms and to keep us strong.

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