Friday, January 30, 2009

Military Judge Puts Obama Administration in a Pickle

A military judge has refused the request of the Obama Administration to put the trial of a man accused of attacking the USS Cole in 2000 on hold for 120 days. The accused, Abu al-Nashiri, is currently held in Guantanamo Bay and the Obama Administration is trying to figure what to do with the detainees in light of a recent executive order to close the facility within one year. The judge's decision deals a blow to the administration's plans of halting all proceedings while determining whether the detainees are going to be released, transferred to a different facility or prosecuted under a different set of rules.

Abu al-Nashiri is scheduled to be arraigned on February 9th and, due to the judge's refusal, the only way his proceedings will stop is if the judge presiding over the entire military tribunal process dismisses all charges without prejudice. While such dismissal will not prevent the Pentagon from reinstating the charges in a future proceeding, such move will undoubted delay his trial and will open the floodgates of motions to dismiss from the other detainees' defense counsel.

Who would have ever thought that within a two to three week period after Barack Obama became President, not only would Guantanamo Bay be closed, but that all the charges against some or all of the detainees would be dismissed? Are we in the twilight zone? Did the events of September 11, 2001 ever occur or was it just a dream? I am thinking that there are many in our current administration who think it was all just a bad dream, which we all finally woke up from when George W. Bush rode off into the Texas sunset.

Folks, I wish it were a dream. I wish it was just a really bad nightmare. But it's not. It's reality and I am not sure if enough of our politicians are living in reality. Our administration has 357 days to figure out what it's going to do with these detainees. With over 60 former detainees returning to terrorism after their release, some of which are now top leaders of Al-Qaida, anything short of prosecuting and putting these detainees away for life will only make our country less safe. Let's hope President Obama does the right thing.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Valentine's Day Cards and Messages for Our Troops

Do you remember when you were in grade school and you hoped to receive a Valentines from that special someone? And then when you didn't, how sad you were? Well, here's an opportunity to make a soldier feel special on Valentine's Day.

Valentines For Troops is a website which promotes sending Valentine's Day cards or other messages to our troops. It's co-founder, Shauna Fleming, is asking individuals, schools, churches and businesses to participate by having their students, congregations and customers make a Valentine, write a letter, email message or prayer note and mail it to a service member by going to where you can get an address for a soldier. There are also drop off sites listed on the Valentines For Troops website.

What a great idea for those service men and women who don't have a spouse or significant other to think of them during the upcoming holiday. It doesn't take much effort and you will surely be putting a smile on someone's face.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How To Fold the Flag

We, at Shining Star Flags & Bandanas, are often asked, "How do you properly fold the flag?" Believe it or not, there is a specific method in which to fold the flag. This method ensures that only the blue field is visible.

For step-by-step instructions, click on the attached image.

This is how the military, the boy scouts and other organizations fold the flag, With a little practice, you can master the technique.

If you have trouble viewing the above image, you may also click How to Fold the Flag for similar instructions without any picture examples.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Military Minute: Reconstruction Boom in Iraq

We all have heard by now about the reduced level of violence in Iraq despite the mainstream media's reluctance to report on it. Iraq is largely ignored in the media because Americans are not dying left and right every day. You'd think the media would want to report on the successes we've had there, but anything that could possibly give credit to President George W. Bush is verboten.

It is my intention to provide a weekly dose of success in Iraq. This blog may not get the exposure of Fox News or CNN but it needs to start somewhere. If you like what you read, send a link to the various posts to your friends. Let's spread the word.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Gulf Region Division (GRD) is responsible for all of the reconstruction projects in Iraq. GRD-managed construction projects employ 25,000 to 30,000 Iraqis per day and approximately 75% of it's active contracts are awarded to Iraqi businesses. Since January 2004, 4,400 Iraqi construction projects valued at nearly $7 billion have been completed. The GRD's reconstruction projects are providing Iraqis essential services such as water, energy, education, security, health care facilities and transportation.

Some of the GRD's specific successes are as follows:

  • expansion of the electrical power plant at Qudas, north of Baghdad (providing power to an additional 180,000 homes)
  • turning over 132 health clinics and 41 hospitals to the Iraqi Ministry of Health
  • building or renovating over 1,100 schools
  • renovating dormitories, classrooms and the auditorium at a 1,400-student vocational school in Iskandaria, south of Baghdad
Our military is making life significantly better than it ever was for the Iraqis while at the same time fighting insurgents who abhor democracy and freedom.

I guarantee you that if we got a daily dose of this kind of good news from the mainstream media, the poll numbers of the people who not only think the war in Iraq is going well, but actually support the war, would go up dramatically.

History will be the judge of this war and I personally think it will be kind.

Source: Department of Defense

Monday, January 26, 2009

Product Review: Historical Flags

Are you a history buff? Do you love American history, especially about the founding and development of this country? Well, if so, Shining Star Flags & Bandanas has flags just for you.

We have 20 historical flags for your choosing, many having to do with different periods of the United States. Do you remember the Alamo? How about Bunker Hill? Don't forget the flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star Spangled Banner. All of our historical flags are made with 100% nylon and come in one size only – 3'x5'. As always, they are 100% made in the United States of America.

Click Historical Flags to see our wide selection of choices and get a piece of history.

Friday, January 23, 2009

The War on Terror is Over

In the first days of his presidency, President Obama has signed executive orders effectively ending the War on Terror. Gitmo will be closed within one year, the CIA will need to abide by the Army Field Manual in their interrogations, all overseas prisons used by the CIA will be closed and every single legal order and opinion on interrogations issued by any lawyer in the executive branch since September 11, 2001 has been rendered null and void.

Folks, the date today is September 10, 2001 and so it will be with each and every date hereafter. We have lost the will to fight this extremely adept enemy. I liken it to a high school student succumbing to peer pressure in an effort to be popular with the other students. Our new administration is so concerned about what Europe, Arab countries and human rights organizations think about us, it's inevitable that our safety will be compromised.

What's going to happen the next time we are attacked? Will we go after the terrorists? If so, how? Will it be a law enforcement matter? If we catch them, where are we going to send them? How are we going to get the crucial intelligence of possible future attacks knowing that Al-Qaida had planned a wave of attacks after 9/11? These individuals are willing to die in order to kill Americans. Do you think that they will tell interrogators of future attack plans if we just ask them nicely or offer them some incentive? It's not going to happen. The National Security Council has stated that even Usama bin Laden or a high-ranking terrorist planner would be shielded from aggressive interrogation techniques. It's over, my friends. We might as well pack up our troops in Afghanistan and bring them home.

During his inaugural address, President Obama stated,

"As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals . . . . And for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you."

We will defeat them? How?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The USO: More Than Just a Concert Promoter

If you ask the average person what the USO does, you would probably be told that they get celebrities to put on concerts for the troops. And they'd be right. But, the USO does much more than that. Since WWII, the USO has been a steadfast supporter of military personnel around the world. It's main mission is to boost the morale of service members and serve as a link between them and the American people. Morale is certainly boosted when a famous singer travels around the world to sing for the troops or when a comedian performs his or her stand up routine. However, the USO also provides services to 1.4 million active duty personnel and 1.2 million National Guard and Reserves as well as their families in over 130 centers around the world. These services include, but are not limited to, information referral services, Internet and email access, housing and emergency assistance and support groups. For a comprehensive list of services and programs provided by the USO, click What We Do.

You can have a direct and positive impact on the lives of the troops and their families by donating your time or money. Without the financial backing of supporters, the USO would not be able to provide the programs, services, entertainment and “touch of home” to the troops and their families worldwide. To learn how you can help support the USO and the troops, click How to Help.

We all say “Support the Troops” but now is the time to actually support them by our actions rather than our words.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hope and Change: But is This What America Wants?

Yesterday, President Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States. Millions of people watched the historic moment, many filled with hope about our future and a yearning for change. Our economy is limping along, thousands of people have lost their jobs and the Dow Jones Industrial Average has seen its worst decline over the last few months since the Great Depression (with yesterday marking the worst decline on Inauguration Day in our history). Clearly, everyone is focused on our economy and their own pocketbook.

However, President Obama's agenda is not focused only on the economy. Quietly, he is prepared to push for many wide-reaching changes in social policy. Let's take an objective look at some of his agenda items. According to the White House's website, President Obama has the following agenda items:

Expand Hate Crimes Statutes

President Obama supports expanding Federal hate crime statutes by pushing for Congress to pass the Matthew Shepard Act, which includes sexual orientation and gender identity. For those who don't know, Matthew Shepard was a gay man who was murdered in Wyoming. Interestingly enough, many don't know that the investigation into his murder revealed that he was killed in connection with a robbery and that his sexual orientation had nothing to do with his killer's intent. Nonetheless, gay rights groups and the media used this senseless and tragic crime to bolster their case for expanded hate crimes legislation.

My Take: I think all hate crime laws are unconstitutional. It is currently illegal to commit a violent act against anybody for any reason. When the state exacts a punishment due to your “hatred” or beliefs in addition to the physical act you commit, that is a direct violation of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Repealing the Defense of Marriage Act

In 1996, Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act (by 85% in the Senate and 83% in the House) and President Clinton signed the act into law. It essentially protects states from being forced to recognize same-sex marriages performed in states where they are legal under the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the U.S. Constitution. As a constitutional law professor, President Obama is well aware that the U.S. Supreme Court would be required to rule that any state law refusing to recognize such marriages would violate the Full Faith and Credit Clause, as the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land and trumps all conflicting state laws. So, by pushing Congress to repeal such act, he would be able to ensure that same-sex marriage becomes legal throughout the United States without having to directly support such action. Thirty states have constitutional amendments confining civil marriage to a legal union between a man and a women with over 10 more states doing the same by state statute. The repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act would help overturn these constitutional amendments and state statues.

My Take: The repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act is more ceremonial than a removal of a legal impediment to allowing same-sex marriage everywhere. Even if the Defense of Marriage Act is not repealed, there will come a day when the U.S. Supreme Court will be required to determine it's constitutionality. What most non-lawyers don't know is that the U.S. Constitution is supreme over all Federal statutes as well. So, the court would be required (including the “strict constructionists”) to rule the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional. The only way to ensure that same-sex marriage does not become the law of the land in all 50 states would be by amending the U.S. Constitution.

Promote Aids Prevention

While promoting Aids prevention is laudable in of itself, President Obama desires to include in his overall strategy a requirement to distribute contraception to prisoners in Federal prisons and provide free needles to drug users so they may abuse illegal drugs in a safe manner.

My Take: Why are prisoners allowed to have sex in prison anyway? Frankly, that is one privilege they should lose. Nonetheless, I believe that if you are in prison and you engage in sex, you run the risk of being infected with sexually transmitted diseases. They should be responsible for their own actions and if they become infected, so be it. With respect to the needle exchange program, how is it that one Federal agency is tasked to arrest you for violating our country's drug laws and another Federal agency is tasked with providing you free clean needles so you can break the law without getting infected? This doesn't make sense. In order for the program to work, law enforcement would have to be barred from waiting outside to arrest the drug users obtaining new needles (many of whom could also be drug dealers). Again, this just doesn't make any sense.

Repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell

Claiming that the key test for military service should be patriotism, sense of duty and willingness to serve, President Obama wants to repeal the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy that was instituted during President Clinton's first term. For those of you who many not be aware of this policy, Don't Ask Don't Tell requires the U.S. military to not ask about one's sexual orientation and the service member is required not to tell anyone if he or she is gay. Those that do come out in the open as gay are subject to discharge.

My Take: According to a recent Military Times poll, a majority of service members do not support the repeal of the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy and, most surprisingly, 10% of the respondents said that if repealed they would not re-enlist or extend their service and an additional 14% said they would consider not re-enlisting or extending their service. The military is not a social experiment. It has one mission and one mission only – to fight wars. If even one-half of the 24% refused to re-enlist or extend their service, it would have a devastating effect on our military forces. I do find it interesting that two of the polices/laws mentioned in this post for repeal are ones supported by a Democrat – President Bill Clinton.

Does anyone remember hearing about these issues during the presidential campaign? I don't. All we heard about was the economy, Bill Ayers and Sarah Palin. Do these agenda items reflect what America truly wants? I am sure there are those that support his agenda 100%, but what about the average American who doesn't bother watching or reading about politics in depth or educating themselves about the candidates' positions? I suppose there are those that just care about their pocketbook and want President Obama to fix our economy, but our country's course on social issues will have a lasting impact on us and future generations. The agenda items mentioned above are only a few of the many social items that this new administration is planning to tackle. It will be interesting to see how Americans react when these issues come to the forefront. My guess is that some will wonder if this is what they voted for.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Product Review: USA “Yes We Can” Flags

In celebration of Barack Obama's historic election as President of the United States, we are offering a brand new flag product for a limited duration. Our USA “Yes We Can” flags are made of 100% Nylon and come in two sizes, 2'x3' and 3'x5'. Priced at $19.95 and $29.95, respectively, these flags will convey a spirit of hope and pride in our country's future. We are also offering a 12”x18” Garden Flag of the same design for only $9.95.

All of our flags are 100% made in the U.S.A. Buy your USA “Yes We Can” flag today!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Fly Your Flag on Inauguration Day – January 20, 2009

Every four years a president is inaugurated in the United States. Inauguration Day is a historical moment as only 43 presidents have been inaugurated since the inception of our country. Tuesday, January 20, 2009, will be even more historical as the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court will be swearing in our first African American president, Barack Obama. A feat once unthinkable a mere 40 years ago, Barack Obama has the opportunity to heal the country's racial divide, a divide that is not as wide as it once was but still exists. Let us all wish him well as he embarks on a journey that can be described as one of the toughest that anyone could possibly face.

Inaugurating a president reminds us all that he (and someday she) has been given the privilege and power to lead our great country, one that should not be taken lightly. Fly your flag on Inauguration Day to honor the systems, checks and balances our forefathers created to protect our democracy, ensure our freedoms and to keep us strong.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Fly Your Flag on Martin Luther King Day – January 19, 2009

Thomas Jefferson had it right when he wrote:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

This sentence, probably one of the most quoted sentences in the Declaration of Independence signed on July 4, 1776, is the backbone of our country. Unfortunately, it took another 188 years before America started to live up to this self-evident truth. Martin Luther King, Jr., a driving force in the civil rights movement, should be thanked by all as when we stand up for the rights of all “men” in the universal sense, we perfect the words of our founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence, we make this country a better place to live and we make ourselves better people in the eyes of others and our Maker.

We are all urged to fly the American flag on Martin Luther King Day to not only honor a man who gave his life in the struggle to obtain equal rights for African Americans but to honor our country for moving in the right direction on an issue that has so marred this Nation's great history.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Simple Way to Help a Soldier

Do you wish to support our troops, but don't know how? Here's an easy way to show your support by directly helping a soldier in harm's way. Go to, find a list of items to send and where to send it. VoilĂ , it's that easy. Your package will be distributed to soldiers who normally don't get any mail.

In August 2003, Sergeant Brian Horn, an Army Infantry Soldier with the 173rd Airborne Brigade was in the Kirkuk area of Iraq when he got an idea to help care for his soldiers. He agreed to distribute packages that came to him with “Attn: Any Soldier” in his address to soldiers that didn't get any mail. After completing his tour in Iraq and a subsequent tour in Afghanistan, Sergeant Horn is back in the states but Any Soldier has grown by leaps and bounds. Now, any member of the U.S. Armed Forces in harms way is eligible to receive a care package. Over 90,000 service members have received care packages. You don't need to know who to send the package to, only where to send it, allowing you the ability to help someone who is sacrificing so much for this country.

So, the next time you are at the grocery store, Wal-Mart or Target, pick up some of the items needed, place them in a box and send them via U.S. mail. You will be doing a world of good without having to expend too much time and effort. What more can you ask for?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hamas Children: Terrorists in the Making

Here's some video you won't see in the mainstream media.

Can anyone tell me how Hamas gets away with this? Also, how does Hamas earn the world's sympathy for the so-called disproportionate response of the Israelis in Gaza?

Folks, terrorism goes way beyond the attacks of September 11th. The Israelis have been living with terrorism for years. It's a war that will not end anytime soon given the footage in this video. Can you image a radical fundamentalist Christian group training their kids to kill all abortionists, homosexuals and non-believers and video taping it? That would make it on the 6:30 evening news of every channel and be denounced by all. And rightly so! Yet, this video doesn't even get a mention.

It's about time more Americans start paying attention to what is going on in this world and understand that we are in a global life and death struggle. This war will not be easy and will not be short. We need to have the intestinal fortitude to fight Hamas, Al-Qaida and all other terrorist groups if we truly want to preserve peace in this world.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Military Minute: U.S. Troops Renovate Baghdad Sports Complex

For years we have heard about how horrible conditions were in Iraq, and much of it was true. However, there has been good news coming out of Iraq too. We just haven't heard much about that. Recently, U.S. and coalition troops finished renovating a sports complex in the impoverished community of Qahira, which is in the Adhamiyah district of Baghdad. This is an area that once had a substantial militia presence and it is believed that the new sport complex will have a huge impact on the community. With the help of Iraqis, the troops repaired the gym floor, roof, stadium seating, kitchen, bathrooms, locker rooms, light fixtures, electrical systems and the parking area. There is also a basketball court that can be used as an indoor soccer arena, a favorite sport among Iraqis. The complex measures up to Olympic standards.

This is a tremendous achievement and evidence that the U.S. and coalition forces are truly helping the Iraqi people recover from years of Saddam Hussein's rule and the effects of war. The Iraqis see this and many know that our presence is what will help them succeed. Undoubtedly, a large majority of Iraqis desire complete sovereignty and would prefer U.S. and coalition forces to leave the country. Yet, I think if you were to ask these same Iraqis when they would like to see these forces leave, you'll get an answer that might surprise you. Security, the rebuilding of infrastructure and a stable government are very important to the long-term survival of a free and democratic Iraq. That is what the United States is striving to achieve and, I believe, most reasonable Iraqis share the same goal.

Source: Department of Defense

Monday, January 12, 2009

Product Review: Nyl-Glo U.S. Flags

Don't you just love driving down a residential street and seeing the American flag gently waving in front of every house? It exudes pride in our country and love for everything we stand for. Why don't more Americans fly the flag? It is because it's too expensive? Too much work to put up and take down every day? Embarrassed to show pride in this country? Believe it or not, there are some towns where that is the case. I am not sure what the real reason is, but clearly more of us need to put Old Glory outside our home or business and tell the world that we support this great country.

We have three different brands of nylon flags. One of our most popular brands is Nyl-Glo. Made of SolarMax Nylon, it flies in the slightest breeze and provides the brightest colors for a truly great appearance. It's also one of the longest lasting flag material we sell. We have numerous sizes to choose from – everything from 12”x18” to 30'x60'. All of our Nyl-Glo U.S. flags that are size 2'x3' or larger come with a one year ColorFast Guarantee. Prices start as low as $15.95 and depend on the size of flag you choose.

Remember, all of our flags are 100% made in the U.S.A. by American workers in domestically owned facilities. So, they are of the highest quality. Not like those foreign made flags that fall apart and fade before you know it.

Come see the Nyl-Glo U.S. flags we offer and choose to show your pride in our country today!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Further Thoughts on Leon Panetta

Upon further reflection of President-Elect Obama's choice to head the Central Intelligence Agency, I do believe it's possible that Leon Panetta may end up being a good leader for this agency. He is clearly smart, capable and has excellent management skills. There is no doubt that the CIA has a number of quality intelligence executives that Mr. Panetta can surround himself with when making decisions. I also believe that General Michael Hayden, the CIA's current director, has ensured that those serving at the highest levels have the agency's and the country's best interests in mind. I actually like Gen. Hayden and wish he would stay on. I have always believed that a highly competent executive can and should surround himself or herself with other highly competent people in areas where their expertise is lacking. Clearly, one can debate whether the controversial programs employed by the CIA should be continued or scrapped. However, I do believe that when push comes to shove neither the Obama Administration nor the Democratically-controlled Congress will purposely and knowingly take steps that will endanger our citizens.

The concern exhibited in my January 7th post is largely based on a real and constant fear of a future attack on and inside this country. September 11th had a significant impact on me personally. I was flying twice a week for my job at that time and was only home with my family approximately six days out of every month. The horrific images of that day were burned into my mind. For one year after the attacks there wasn't a day that went by without me thinking about it. As normal with the passage of time, I don't think about it as much today but I still do from time to time. When I look at the clock and it's 9:11, I think about it. Whenever I see a movie or television show based in New York City, I think about it. Whenever my wife or I talk with our friends who lost their sister in the WTC, I think about it. What concerns me is that very few people think about it anymore, at least that's my perception; and I don't want our intelligence agencies to do the same in an effort to placate the critics who decry the methods our government has taken to protect our Nation.

I wish Mr. Panetta all the success in the world at leading, motivating and managing what is one of the most important agencies on the frontline of America's “War on Terror.”

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Military Heroes Program

Last month, I posted a number of entries containing information on how we all can help those that sacrifice so much to protect our freedoms, our way of life and our lives. The Christmas season is known for the time of giving so it seemed appropriate. However, now that the holiday season is a recent memory, we cannot forget that the needs of our military personnel and their families are still very real.

Tens of thousands of soldiers and marines have been injured in Iraq and Afghanistan over the last 7 years. The citizens of this great country have not been asked to sacrifice much in these endeavors, unlike the sacrifices everyone made in World War II. Our military men and women not only need our thanks and appreciation, but some of them need our help.

The Military Heroes Program, which was created by The Pentagon Federal Credit Union Foundation in 2003, provides wounded soldiers with services that the Defense Department cannot offer due to budgetary and regulatory restrictions. These unmet needs, which are identified by Military Command, the Military Severely Injured Center and others, include a variety of activities, including the following:

  • Wireless laptops in Fisher Houses at military hospitals;
  • Child care for the families of hospitalized soldiers;
  • Emergency financial support for families of the wounded facing crises;
  • A hospice room and a patient and family lounge in the Walter Reed Army Medical Center;
  • A short-term outpatient housing facility for severely wounded military personnel and their families; and
  • Support for military families and retirees rebuilding their lives after natural disasters such as Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

Not all of us can donate our time to help those in need, but we all can donate some money, albeit a small amount if necessary, to help those that help our soldiers. The Pentagon Federal Credit Union covers all of the administrative expenses of the foundation and, therefore, 100% of your donations go to cover the foundation's various programs. Support comes from the Military Heroes Golf Classic and the Night of Heroes gala, from corporations, foundations, military associations and thousands of individual donors worldwide. The Pentagon Federal Credit Union Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization so your donations are fully tax deductible.

Christmas is not the only time of the year we should be willing to give to others, especially to those who are willing to give everything for us.

To learn more about the Military Heroes Program and the Pentagon Federal Credit Union Foundation in general click here.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Leon Panetta as CIA Director? You've got to be kidding me!

The events of September 11, 2001 were the result of the largest failure of our intelligence agencies since their creation. Clues abounded everywhere, but no one connected the dots. Changes were needed. Changes that upset the entrenched bureaucracy. It was clear that in order to succeed, the changes that were recommended by the September 11 Commission would need to come from top down and from someone who is highly experienced in the intelligence world.

Just because we have a new President and administration, the threats we face as a Nation at home and abroad do not go away. President-Elect Barack Obama's pick to be the head of the Central Intelligence Agency is mind boggling to say the least. Leon Panetta, a former Clinton chief of staff, Office of Management and Budget Director and Congressman, is a pure politician with absolutely no intelligence experience. How is he going to lead the CIA in these perilous times? Will he rely on his deputies and lower level intelligence officers? If so, who? Will they be long-time bureaucrats who are resistant to the change necessary to keep up with the threats that face us? Or will he impose an agenda that is driven by politics and public polls?

Mr. Obama's picks for his cabinet level positions actually tell a lot about him. This particular pick conveys a message that he is not serious about intelligence and he is politicizing the position. I hope and pray that the United States is not attacked again, because if it is, mark my words, this decision will come back to haunt him.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Military Minute: U.S. No Longer Responsible For Green Zone Security

On January 1, 2009, the United States formally turned over security of the Green Zone to the Iraqi government, which is a sign that conditions are continuing to improve in Iraq. Once daunted as the only safe place in Iraq, the Green Zone is now secured by Iraqi forces with coalition forces playing a support role. The Iraqis will also have more responsibility in making the key decisions with respect to the security of Baghdad.

The Green Zone contains one of Saddam Hussein's former palaces, which has been used as the headquarters of the coalition's forces since the beginning of the war. Placing the security of our forces' headquarters into the hands of the Iraqis is a real and symbolic sign that the security situation, in what was once a notoriously violent area, is dramatically improving.

Many of our lawmakers, political pundits and naysayers in general wrote off the Iraq War long ago, saying that it essentially had been lost. They called for immediate withdrawal of our troops. However, rather than retreat and wave the white flag, we sent in more troops. Perhaps if we had done that at the start of the war, the insurgency would have never gained a foothold. Hindsight is 20/20.

Has this been big news on the mainstream media? I haven't seen it. It's just another example of news that doesn't fit the MSM's political agenda.

Source: Department of Defense

Monday, January 5, 2009

Product Review: State Flags

All of our State Flags are made with either SpectraPro 2-Ply Spun Polyester or SpectraMax Nylon fabric. Our polyester flags are durable, strong and fly in the wind with ease. They are perfect for daily flying and extreme weather conditions, such as high wind.

Our nylon flags are also very durable and their colors emit a beautiful, brilliant shine that will keep them looking new longer. Resistant to the wear and tear of the sun and rain, nylon flags are a popular choice among flag enthusiasts.

We have all 50 states in sizes ranging from 2'x3' through 8'x12' depending on the type of fabric and the state chosen. 100% made in the United States. Fly your state flag proudly along side your American flag.

Click the following to see specific sizes and prices related to the state flag of your choice:

Friday, January 2, 2009

Our Freedom Isn’t Free

I am a U.S veteran; the Army was my choice.
I’m grateful for this moment here to stand and speak my voice.
The topic that I represent with pride and glory true,
about the flag we know and love; the red, the white and blue.

The flag still stands for freedom; for the strong and for the weak.
To give us all the right we have to open up and speak.
For Flag Day is an honor that we owe our happiness,
to soldiers who have served us well, in this country where we’re blessed.

The U.S flag we know and love Old Glory! Stars and Stripes!
May under God, we always pledge, to stand for what is right.
Our flag in which we put our faith, our love, our hopes and trust,
this flag in which we should respect for righteous peace we must.

A flag, that in so many lands, she's horribly abused.
By being burned and torn apart, dishonored, and refused.
The burning of our nation’s flag dishonors those who rest.
For them I will defend her still and always do my best.

To show the people of the world the good that we have done
through battles of land, and air and sea, in victories we’ve won.
The colors of our nation’s flag depict a sacred song,
like brothers names upon a wall as those of Vietnam.

We’ve planted her on foreign lands in dirt with stains of red,
forgetting not, Korean vets whose blood they also shed.
The caring of, disabled vets, becomes our nations plight.
For wounded heroes shine the way like peaceful stars of white.

For World War two, a star of blue is hanging in the glass,
while mothers mourn, upon a cross that rests above the grass.
I'm proud to be American, in knowing that I’m free,
to men and women whom have served who gave that right to me.

For every fallen soldier and for every life they’d give
to guarantee our freedom and the liberty we live.
For those who served beside me and for those who serves us now,
let us fly our flag up proudly and show other nations how.

For a desert’s storm can blind a heart and make some turn their backs,
but avenging souls of nine one, one (9*1*1) is why we’re in Iraq.
We all need to come together, not divided but as one,
to stand up tall to terrorists and show them how it's done!

It brings me such emotion when I think about the brave,
the strength, the blood, the sweat and tears their lives in which they gave,
for us to have a freedom that no other people know.
A life without oppression; where our kids are free to grow.
Our troops will have to travel far, with guns in hand, to face the war.
They leave their loved ones far behind so we can be with yours and mine.

To fly the flag in which we raise, some have to fill an honored grave,
with blood they know they’ll have to shed,
for stars and stripes of blue and red.
The flag draped caskets that we see honoring the bold
of those that stay forever young so we can still grow old.
We give the flag with memories secured within its folds,
to loved ones that are left behind, what’s left of those to hold.

What glory and such honor! So brave! So strong! So young!
Please rest yourselves in peace my friends, your duty here is done.
And though you may not be a soldier fighting for your land
their voice is crying from the grave, “Stand up and take a stand!”
for of their death and sacrifice they bought a brand new day
to wave the flag and raise your hand and let you have your say.

So fly that flag with honor through whatever storms descend,
that united we shall stand together and be faithful till the end.
Until all our soldiers come from war, until the battle ends.
Until everyone is safe at home, with family and friends,
I shall fly my nation’s flag with joy for all the world to see
that through serving all humanity our freedom isn’t free

Reprinted with permission by the author
Copyright © 2007 Vanessa A. Griego. All Rights Reserved.

As we begin the new year 2009, let us all remember those who sacrifice so much for our country, our freedoms, our flag. I am honored to be able to reprint this poem which was written by a U.S. Army Veteran who served in the Gulf War.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Everyone at Shining Star Flags & Bandanas would like to wish all of you a very happy, safe and prosperous New Year. May all of your dreams come true.